Oh the red, that many fight for. That tastes better to some than others.

The winning captain with the coveted bottle of wine.

The winning team. The Theoretical Thunders. OK. I admit its a lame name. But they didn't look very lame when they pumped in 5 goals on the favourites.

The three captains Leslee (systems ,white), Buddha (theoretical, black) and Sandy (Molbio, Red) with the referee, Manoj Uncle of stem cells fame(Grey T). Without his no-nonsense and professional approach this tournament would have lost all decency and would have become a kickboxing convention.
(I wonder what Sandy is all cheerfull about. Atleast I had the weekend to forget my pain).
Two (of the three) things that rock my fucking world. I will give away one free inflatable sheep to anyone who comments with the correct answer to what's the third.

Who're you trying to scare. Bitch.

Pepsi helps bring in the crowds.

Practice. Untill November comes.
the third thing.. can i have three guesses?
1. music
2. your laptop
3. your monkeys?? (nah.. it cant be, but i couldnt think of a third guess :))
you can always avenge your defeat in Nov.. Systems strikes back!
i want to change my guess. my third guess would be your camera, not your monkeys.
sweet! I liked the photo essay.. and next time.. please refrain from doing the math.. outsource it to the theoretical thunders.. ;)
Vib you are not really at the spot. try again:-).. And systems WILL strike back.
Dear Anonymous, I will outsource it but not to the theoretical people. They didn't get the math right too! I will ask some 6 year old to work it out in his plastic abacus.
the third must be girls!!!
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